At 04:44 PM 25/05/98 PDT, you wrote: >---------- > >> > Bill, what has X >> > representing 'trans' got to do with 'crystal'? > >Marco, > >Nothing, I was just showing that some things are not logical. > >But I did like the crisscross information. And now I >have a reasion for 'Xmas'. > >Is a box with a X in it the symbol for a crystal? >If so, that brings up the question, "Which came first, >the box or the X?" (this is a variation of the classic >American (USA), English? question, "Which came first, >the chicken or the egg?" Which is not at all the same as >"Why did the chicken cross the road?" Which brings us >back to crisscross.) > >I've learned to over come reality, > >Bill C. > > Yes Bill, the "Chicken or egg" syndrome is also English, then again I an led to believe it was a Dutchman (Name unknown) whom originally posed the question. Dennis