I had a similar problem with my home made programmer. The cause: the reset came up too slow. I guess that your cable is too long. Wouter. ---------- > From: fcembrola > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: I'm stuck with ISP problem > Date: Sunday, May 24, 1998 18:50 > > Hi folks! > > I'm sorry for bringing this subject up again, > but I need some help in trying to > understand what's going on here. > > I constructed a cable which connects my > PICSTART16B, via a home-made socket, > to my project, in order to do in-circuit > programming. > > When I try to program the PIC (16C84), I find > that the first location is being programmed > with the second byte of the program, the > second location with the third byte... and so > on. > > Even more strangely it verifies ok. > > This is consistent. Therefore I have to > assume that the cable is correct. > > I need a clue why this is happening. > Help!!!!!! > > > Francesco Cembrola