Francesco: I think that your picstart has old software in the 17cxx controler, Your problem matches the warning in current microchip documents. If you have MPLAB 3.xx up, then check out the release notes for picstart plus in help, otherwise I suggest a S/W upgrade ! Required for update: blank(or erased) PIC17C44, "PSF12000.HEX" file from recent mplab install. regards, Graham Daniel fcembrola wrote: > > Hi folks! > > I'm sorry for bringing this subject up again, > but I need some help in trying to > understand what's going on here. > > I constructed a cable which connects my > PICSTART16B, via a home-made socket, > to my project, in order to do in-circuit > programming. > > When I try to program the PIC (16C84), I find > that the first location is being programmed > with the second byte of the program, the > second location with the third byte... and so > on. > > Even more strangely it verifies ok. > > This is consistent. Therefore I have to > assume that the cable is correct. > > I need a clue why this is happening. > Help!!!!!! > > Francesco Cembrola