Can anybody give me some clues on getting MPLAB's simulator to work? Here's my situation: I'm a relative newbie to PIC chips. I have done assembly language work with other microprocessors such as the Z-80, 6502 and 6800. Now I want to start programing PICs in assembly language. I have a morse code program written by a third party that is currently working. A 12C509 is beeping at my elbow as I type this. (The code is at if you'd like to see it.) I assembled it with Mpasmwin.exe, which came with MPLAB 3.400, used the hex file it generated to program a 12c509 chip with the EPIC programemr from Microengineering Labs and it runs fine. I've made a few modifications and they run fine too. Now I'd like to make some major changes to the code and I'd prefer to test the code using MPLAB's simulator instead of editing, assembling, burning, testing, editing, etc. But for the life of me, I can't figure out how to get MPLAB's software simulator to work. I've gotten to the point of creating a project, running Project/Make and getting a clean compile, except for a couple of warnings about things I specified, such as HEX, being overridden by command line parameters (also HEX, so no problem.) Clicking on one of those lines of error messages takes me to the appropriate line in the .ASM file. Feeding the hex file to a programmer makes a working chip. So obviously a lot of things are working right. But nothing I do seems to get the simulator to start. Debug/Run and Debug/Execute both have all their options greyed out. Clicking on the Green stoplight gives me a click and nothing else. Ditto for the foot marks. Clicking on ROM shows me the program memory, clicking on RAM and SFR does nothing.. As for reading the help files, well they certainly seem to be unique set of documents. I wonder if Microchip accidently released the specifications for the help files instead of the actual help files. They seem to be more descriptions of what information they should have than the actual information itself. I'm not sure if MPLAB's simulator actually covers the 12C509, so I changed the software to specify a 16F84. Project/Make works all right, but I haven't got a chip handy to program, so I'm not sure it works. But I know that I can't get MPLAB's simulator to work with this configuration either. Can anybody give me some clues to getting this going? I'm fairly confident that once I get the simulator simulating something, I can figure out the rest on my own, but getting past step one has me baffled. Thanks, Dave Mullenix, N9LTD PIC Programmer wannabe