The first question is dependant on which processor you are using. If you are using the 17 series, MOST of the user locations do not depend on the bank. However, I think you are probably using the 16 series which is much more popular. In this case, the MYREG would point to the register in which ever bank you are in ( not nessesarily the one you wanted). This is where the FSR is useful. The compiler will give you errors about arqument being out of range (If I remember correctly). I think if you look at your list file you should be able to tell by address where the bank ends. But someone else may have a better handle on this. Wendall. -----Original Message----- From: ashley barnett [SMTP:ashsparky@CLARA.NET] Sent: Friday, May 22, 1998 1:01 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: equate addressing When I define a number of registers at the start of my program e.g. "MYREG" EQU 0x20 etc....... Can I address them from any Bank or will they need to be selected via bank select bits. Also how will I know if my program fills the first Bank0 and overflows into Bank1 etc. Ash -UK-