By the time you get done with all this, just get a vcr and a camera and an 8 hour tape and leave it running at night. Put a motion detector light where it'll do some good (you might want to aim for getting thier car on tape unless you think they're doing this all on foot..) and maybe even use a pic to make the light turn on after a few minutes instead of immediately. And don't just let the police do the dirty work. Make copies and give one to their parents if it's kids, or maybe their employer. If they go to church make sure and go there and let everyone know how you caught them stealing from you.. Also make sure it gets good coverage in the local gossip rag/town newspaper. In a small town humiliation and publicity make excellent deterrents. Also check your local laws on theft. If the limits to move the crime up a class are reasonable (say $200ish) and they are taking enough bulbs at once, it may be worth the one time investment to get expensive bulbs. I'm sure you can find some hi-rel long life bulbs in the $20 range. Would be worth it if made it into a felony theft.. Or leave some old piece of electronics handy to bring the value up, since most thieves are opportunists. There could also be some endangerment charge applicable since the lights are critical to being able to land safely..