As an example, I picked up a HP 275 MHz scope in perfect working condition at a Hamfest (Ham radio swap meet) for only $250. I turned down the cheaper ones (rangeing from $50 - $100) because I deal with mine daily Peter L. Peres wrote: > On Tue, 19 May 1998, Mike DeMetz wrote: > > > > aha! I have taken my DMM back to the shop and demanded they fit the scope > > > button back on it :-) > > > > > > Seriously, I cannot afford a full scope, has anybody got any recommendatio ns > > > of a cheap PC based scope system ( I can see VIPS and PICO in a catalogue > > > here.... ) > > > > > Tech America has a handheld LCD scope/meter for $199. Only good up to > > 5Mhz(steady signal). > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > And this makes it unsuitable for serial digital troubleshooting unless > special signals are generated for testing. A poor man's digital analyzer > would do it, but a real scope is more versatile. > > My advice (been there): Haunt your local ham club or school and find out > when the next garden/garage sale is on. Then, pick up a reasonable 'old' > scope for $100 or less. You should be able to net a Hameg or whatever 2 x > 20 MHz (perhaps valved - although better not) this way. Insist on > checking it out on the spot, you should get the scan line on the screen, > don't take it otherwise. > > Peter