(I posted this Thursday, but never saw it on the list). Hi All. I previously used MP-LAB 3.30 with a UNIX-like MAKE facility and my own makefile to assemble and link projects with multiple files. It worked very nicely, and was quite fast. "Build Project" would call my batch file, I could watch the batch file execute in a DOS window, and MPLAB would "pick up" the generated HEX file smoothly. Try as I might, I can't seem to get 3.40 to work with my setup. I've created my own .INI and .MTC files, but I can't get past the built-in dependency checker when I want to build a project. *** All I want is for "Build Project" to call my batch file, let me watch its progress in a window, and have MPLAB pick up the resultant .HEX file and dump it to my PICMASTER. *** IOW, I want to bypass the MAKE / dependency checking, and have a DOS box that actually works. I also tried to use 3.40 with its own built-in MAKE, following the example in TUTOR.PDF, but I get timeouts while assembling large files, and I'm unable to fix them by tweaking the DOS box's idle and suspend-on-background properties. Plus, I'd rather use my own MAKE and manage these things at the DOS level. Also, 3.40 is more than 3 times slower in assembling my files within MPLAB than 3.30 was when spawning a DOS box for my MAKE batch file. I'm running 3.30 and 3.40 on the same machine (though not concurrently). Does anyone else work this way? Can anyone help? Thanks, ___________________________________________ | Andrew E. Kalman, Ph.D. aek@netcom.com | | standard disclaimers apply | |___________________________________________| ___________________________________________ | Andrew E. Kalman, Ph.D. aek@netcom.com | | standard disclaimers apply | |___________________________________________|