Subject: Re: How to prevent light bulb theft in airport runways ? [OT] .... >Oops. I don't know how to put this, but one should never, never catch the >thief. Catching thieves in civilized coutries is the Law's business. >Humble people who meddle with this Important Business are punished with >more ferocity than the thieves. We just caught a thief so I guess we now have to watch out for the attendant ferocity :-) - seriously though this was a concern. We anticipate the possible future visit of the thief as they know how (if not by who) they were caught. Our car was broken into a few days ago and various stuff taken including a cell-phone. They used the cellphone (!) including calling us 3 times using the speed-dial keys. We had the calls traced (cost me $50 as the calls weren't malicious). One of the calls was to his work to say he would be in late. His work said he was the only caller at that time of day (6:10am). He had a visit at work from the police and is now "helping them with their enquiries". Ain't technology wonderful!