On Thu, May 21, 1998 at 06:55:15PM -0800, Andrew Warren wrote: > Because MPASM treats "W" as "0", the BTFSS line is assembled as > "BTFSS PORTC,0"... So it's checking bit 0 of the "PORTC" register. > > I'd be real surprised if that's what the code's author intended, I suspect that at some time the author decided that writing things like addwf x,0 was a Bad Idea because it isn't obvious where the destination is, so decided to do a global replace of ,0 with ,w - and caught a few other things in the net. Clyde -- Clyde Smith-Stubbs | HI-TECH Software Email: clyde@htsoft.com | Phone Fax WWW: http://www.htsoft.com/ | USA: (408) 490 2885 (408) 490 2885 PGP: finger clyde@htsoft.com | AUS: +61 7 3354 2411 +61 7 3354 2422 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HI-TECH C: compiling the real world.