Another opinion: would you get a HUGE truck, having a faulty brake and has a special quality that the steering wheel can be turned only one direction (it is unclear at a moment, which direction), consuming 100 ltr fuel for 100 km (about 40 gallons for 100 miles), only to transport a matchbox? I don't and won't. That's why (PIC again) I plan to develop a software driving the Microchip PICSTART+ programmer from DOS. I think, DOS may be buggy, but it is open, and - because of its limited size - it is manageable for a man. At a moment, I suffer under the lack of time, and - on the other hand - I hope to get some support from Microchip. They ought to recognize such software I plan is a MUST. If you plan to support me: please send a letter to Microchip asking for a DOS-based programming software using the PICSTART+. I appreciate your action and I think it could motivate Microchip to deliver me the needed information. May be, I'm naive. I hope I ain't. Imre