> I am just getting into the information gathering mode on this project. For > several reasons a physically moveable antenna is not desired. I am looking alo ng > the lines of changing the phasing feed to two closely placed antenna's to trac k > the signal only at receive time. > > I don't yet have enough info to get a feel for what is practical and what isn' t > - but I do appreciate your input. Thanks. > > William Rhoads > Well, if you only have 2 antennas then things kind of change. Take a look at the directional characteristics of these 2. You will find that phasing will do you only so much good. In fact, you can get away with only 8 or so fixed positions for phasing, assuming that you can accept a loss of 3 dB (worst case). Note that this is STILL a gain of 3 dB vs the lone antenna. Those 8 positions make your life much easier, as you can probably use one receiver and a fixed phaser for a fixed frequency (or band), controlled by as few as 3 bits from a PIC. I believe that some serious work on 2-whip phasing was done for CB and VHF comms use some time ago, but I can't indicate a book. There must be something though. hope this helps, Peter