Either I'm not seeing it, or Microchip doesn't specify it, but I have a question that perhaps somebody in-the-know can answer (maybe by experience). I need to get an accurate measurement of voltage which may range from 30V down to about 3V. What I was thinking of doing was using a resistor ladder with multiple taps going to the various ADC inputs on the PIC. I would start my measurements on the greatest division (ANx in the picture below) and if the input voltage was sufficiently low that I could use the next higher division (ANn-1), I would do that, repeating until I had the smallest V/div on the ADC (best resolution). Question is, do the ADC inputs have diode protection like the digital inputs? Will my scheme work properly? Concept: 3-30V+ | | R1 | +-----> AN0 input | | R2 | | +-----> AN1 input | | R3 | | +-----> AN2 input | | etc. | | +-----> ANx input | | ----- GND Thanks. Andy ================================================================== Andy Kunz - Statistical Research, Inc. - Westfield, New Jersey USA ==================================================================