Question ? What will be the read value of PORTB when interrupt occurs ? I am implementing a 3x4 key pad interfaced to PORTB of PIC16C74. TRISB = b'1111 0001' bit0 = external int form other IC bit 1:3 = o/p lines pulsing low in sequence to scan keypad bit 4:7 = i/p lines with Weak Pullups enabled. Am I correct in saying when a key is pressed it grounds an i/p <4:7> and the read value for the i/p pin will be high ? 3x4 keypad connections RB7---+---1----&--&--& weak pullups enabled RB6---+---1----&--&--& RB5---+---1----&--&--& RB4---+---1----&--&--& RB3---+---0----&--&--& scannning pulsing low (0000 1101, 00001011, 0000 0111) RB2---+---0-------&--& RB1---+---0----------& RB0---+---1-----------------to other INT Any help please ?