At 21:43 1998-05-15 -0700, you wrote: >-----Original Message----- >From: Morgan Olsson >To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU >Date: Friday, May 15, 1998 4:43 PM >Subject: Re: India's N-test (fwd) > > >Andy Kunz Said: >>>I'm sorry, but the US pays its dues by providing its military without >>>billing the UN imho. > > >Morgan said: >>I4m sorry for that too. >>The idea of UN is to collect power AND *supervising* from lot of countries. >>There will always be problem if only one country run along playing hero, >>and forcing it his way. > >Sounds like you are comparing America with a 'John Wayne' Movie... > >This thread started out with an Indian stating his opinion about America's >reaction to his country's N-testing. I thought that this individual gave us >his viewpoint rather well. I did not agree with him but it gave me something >to think about. > >Next came the comment that America was the first (and only) country to use >the Atom Bomb. Quite true. It was used in WWII by America. I have no doubt >that 'the bomb' would have been used by 'other' countries in WWII had they >developed it first. This, we will never know. > >Today, several countries have 'the bomb'. This includes both India and >Pakistian. Within another five years maybe more countries will 'join the >club'. The next Atomic Bomb dropped will come from....who? I do not think >America will be the aggressor... Me neither. But some countries leaders see you that way, and that migt force them to use the only strong enougt weapon they have. I think atomic bombs will only be used when the user do not see another way out. Problem is, that superpowers acting on their own frightens some countries much more than if operations were led by UN. Opinions and operations stated/led by UN (=most of the world) the opponent would know that there is no use fighting (but here are always idiots, of course). Even idiots would easier understand not to fight teh wole world than not to a part of it. It is pressed situations that force mankind to war and other stupidities, and the clearer the rules the less stupid actions. >I pray that there will never be a 'next >time'. We all do. Let«s join together in one force :) >As far as saying that America forcing it's 'will' on a global level - well, >I guess that is true to some extent. The truth is, many countries do the >same thing. America is considered by many to be a World leader. As an >American politician once said "You can't please all the people all the >time." > >I agree with Andy, America has paid it's dues - in more ways than one. If I buy a telephone service from AT&T it won«t help paying Microsoft... (... if MS have not bougth AT&T... yet... ;) ) >Morgan, do not judge America too harshly. You may change your opinion about >us one day if Finland or Norway invades your country. Uhm, right, got ya!: Norway is part of NATO (maybe Finland too, don«t remember) so if You invade Sweden i would not like you very much... ;) (the named countries would of course try to stop you) BTW, this is one of the most peaceful places on earth, and we have always sorted out our problems ourselves, since we think much te same of about everything. If other parties engage in conflicts there often arise *more* problems, often hidden that might grow unsseen and then explode, like in Jugoslavia. We Europeans were tired of getting pressed between east and west power pretending to protect us from each of you. Dont remember that US and former USSR are neughbours on other side of earth; please don«t use us as playground. USSR is now weak, and EU growing stronger, and I have not yet decided what to think of that. I like better lots of small countries in one organization like a renewed UN, than few groups like US, EU, USSR, Eastern(?) that might get unfriendly with each other. Much more easy for lot of countries to get two arguing small countries to cease fighting, than make large superpowers to get along, just learn from history. The most important issue is not to figth the symptoms of conflicts (war) but to build a understanding and relaxed situation where as many as possible people feel safe, so war never blows up. UN is the so far best forom for that. All-world forums will of course better understand conflicts in varying situations and cultures, than a single culture superpower does, and hence better apply the rigth remedy, although this might take a few more hours of discussion, it is better to apply the rigth remedy than risk of making things totally worse. /Morgan >>/Morgan > >>>Andy > >Dave > > / Morgan Olsson, MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK, SE-277 35 KIVIK, Sweden \ \, ph: +46 (0)414 70741; fax +46 (0)414 70331 /