I wish for a US$0.25 microcontroller. I don't care how slow, how few pins, how little memory, how few peripherals, nuthin'. Just cheap. Four years ago Steve Ciarcia started joking that someday they'd be putting microprocessors in Toasters. I had to email him to stop joking about it, because a LOT of toasters have micros in 'em now!!!! Incluiding the one I'm designing. A $0.25 micro would fill the bill nicely. All it has to do is count time. Now Steve jokes about Microprocessors in Tennis Shoes. I'm going to design one of THOSE too. As you move your foot the blinking LED will spell out the name of the tennis shoe in the dark! "Oh, but toasters would be such a small niche market..." They say. The US toaster market is about 50 million units per year. Listening now, Microchip? Best Regards, Lawrence Lile