( Sorry this is the second time I send the e-mail because I«ve to corrected some mistakes, my English is not so good and I«m working very hard on it) Please, to somebody that Can help me out.... I«ve seen in the data sheet of a PIC (PIC16C73,PIC16C76) that it can be In-Circuit Serial Programming. Yesterday I asked a question about it and I learned (thanks to Mr. Steve n Kosmerchock) that I need only few pins to program the PIC via serial, so: 1. - That mean I don«t need a programmer for the PIC. 2. - Can I program the PIC (a complete program) with only few lines ? 3. - Is neccesary to get a programmer anyway ? 4. - What«s the advantage to have a programmer Vs The in-Circuit Seria l programming ? If somebody can help me, I«ll apreciate it very much, thanks.