Please check out this site. Hopefully will answer all the questions you have. ---- PICLIST(a)MITVMA.MIT.EDU's Message ---- Please, to somebody that Can help me out.... I«ve seen in the data sheet of a PIC (PIC16C73,PIC16C76) that it can be In-Circuit Serial Programming. Yesterday I ask a question about it and I learn (thanks to Mr. Steven Kosmerchock) that I need only few pins to program the PIC via serial, so: 1. - That mean I don«t need a programmer for the PIC. 2. - Can I program the PIC (a complete program) with only few lines ? 3. - Is neccesary to get a program anyway ? 4. - What«s the advantage to have a programmer Vs The in-Circuit Serial programming ? If somebody can help me, I«ll apreciate it very much, thanks.