David Lions wrote: > 1. What about a 'battery-backup' pin, so you could keep the file > registers alive while the rest of the device was powered off. David: PICs already have that pin... It's called Vdd. In SLEEP mode, the PIC's oscillator is stopped and it draws only enough current to keep the RAM alive. > 2. In addition to this what about a real-time clock, that could > also run while the rest of the chip is off, using two pins for a > crystal. Many of the 16Cxx devices have this already... Look at the 16C65's "Timer 1" documentation for details. > 3. If no battery-backup pin, how about more chips with on-board data > EEPROM? It's so useful, how hard is it to put it on all chips? Microchip is planing more devices with built-in data EEPROM... Details are in their "Roadmap to Future Products" document. > 4. How about just making a standard 14bit core, with full program > memory, full RAM, 8 UARTS, 8 PWM, 16kB data EEPROM...etc. The core > could be placed in any package with any pin count. The connection > of I/O to individuals pins would be by multiplexer bits set during > programming. The common core would be mass produced, all that needs > to be specified is the pin count and package type. A similar thing > would happen for 12 bit cores, and so on... This may not be such a good idea, since it would burden even the smallest pin-count devices with the cost of all those unneeded features. > This would allow for such wonderful concepts as 3 UARTS on a 12C508 > (8 pin) package. Why should a 40 pin device have a UART but not an > 8 pin? How is pin count related to the features available? It's not pin count per se; it's package size. Some of those peripherals -- especially EEPROM -- require a lot of die space, and they just won't fit in the smallest packages. > 5. A few more MHz on the clock. I wouldn't be surprised to see this in future devices. Microchip is already solving the same problem in another way, though, by enhancing the instruction set in their upcoming devices. -Andy === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499 (personal) === http://www.netcom.com/~fastfwd (business)