> All crystals have both series and paralell resonances. They are only > guaranteed to perform within spec on one or the other. > If you put a series xtal in a paralell circuit it will probably run, but you > will NEVER get it on the right frequency. The two points > obviously can't be the same frequency. Just to put it into perspective. The difference between parallel and series resonant frequencies is in the order of 0.05%. eg. 5kHz on a 10MHz crystal. When a crystal is spec'd as series or parallel it describes the measurement conditions, not how the crystal is constructed. It's similar to having two thermisters, one spec'd at 20 degrees and another at 25 degrees. Steve. ====================================================== Steve Baldwin Electronic Product Design TLA Microsystems Ltd Microcontroller Specialists PO Box 15-680, New Lynn http://www.tla.co.nz Auckland, New Zealand ph +64 9 820-2221 email: steveb@tla.co.nz fax +64 9 820-1929 ======================================================