How about the thing as fast as you can. Count the number of tics between cycles, then divide in half. Or does the PIC detect at the 90 phase? If I remember right, it looks at the full cycle. In fact, you should be able to calculate the number of tics (knowing the clock and the frequency of the AC), and find a edge and count the number of clocks till you get there. ---------- From: John Bellini [SMTP:JBellini@STATPOWER.COM] Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 1998 2:40 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Any good ideas for detecting zero crossing? I'm not sure, but this may already have come up on the list. If so please direct me to the archive and I will look there. However, any ideas would be great full. What I will be having to do is synchronize to the incoming AC. To do this I will have to detect RMS voltage, Detect the zero crossing, generate the sine wave reference and then synchronize to the line. Any ideas on detecting the zero crossing?À I want to do it software not hardware. I've already done it in hardware using 2 pins on the micro. I want to do it with 1 pin now. John Bellini Product Development, Firmware Technologist