On Wed, 13 May 1998 00:30:54 -0400 Paul Byers writes: >Hello fellow Pic'rs. >I am looking for some help in the design of a two-way radio repeater >controller. If any one has a circuit or code for such, please email me >or post here. Look for the "NHRC" design should be on the web. It's a basic controller with a PIC16F84, 8870 DTMF decoder, and ISD1420 voicestore chip. It is quite popular and it works well. The group has assembled units, kits, and boards. The source code for the PIC is available for free. If you don't have the rest of the repeater made yet, concentrate on it. Good radio performance impresses me a lot more than a fancy controller. I see one on Microchip's web page in the design for >dollars section, but it does not seem to be available as yet. I've built a couple of 6m repeaters using 16F84 code of my own, having a couple of features that aren't in the NHRC design that I considered usefull. It uses a different "engine" entirely in the PIC to do the multitasking. It really isn't ready to release yet, but it's getting close. I'll have to check Microchip to see if I can parlay it into some dollars. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]