>From the MPASM.HLP file, appendix D: Mnemonic Description EquivalentOperation(s) BC k Branch on Carry BTFSC 3,0 GOTO k BZ k Branch on Zero BTFSC 3,2 GOTO k Looks to me like this is an infinite loop when the carry flag is set on entry to your code snippet ... unless the interrupt handler does not save/restore the STATUS register and modifies the carry flag! Dave Sorlien Peter Schultz wrote: > Hi All, > > Please help to a C language PICer. > I have to modify a code written in assembly. > > M_LOOP BCF PORTA,LED > BC M_LOOP > > Can somebody explain me what kind code is the: BC > Also it has code called BZ . > > Thank You, > Peter > schupet@dvp.com