Steve Baldwin wrote: > > On these points, what do other people think? Microchip's pseudo-ops (documented in the MPASM.HLP file, appendix D) are huge time savers for me. When writing a large PIC application, it is a lot quicker to type: skpz than it is to type: btfss STATUS,Z IMO, the source code becomes more readable when some pseudo opcodes are used. I usually limit my use of these 'extra' instructions only when they expand to a single opcode. Timing calculation errors are easily avoided following this simple rule. I use Multiedit for writing PIC code. This source code editor is by far the best in its class. When configured properly, Multiedit provides syntax highlighting, configurable macro keys, a compiler program interface, automatic compiler error file parsing, fantastic search and replace functions... I could go on and on about how great this editor is. It's not cheap though - version 8 cost me $129USD for the electronic download! Back to the topic: I have setup Multiedit to display all standard PIC opcodes in bold, compiler directives are displayed in bold text of a different color, and pseudo-opcodes are bold and in a third color. Provides immediate verification of proper spelling, and I can instantly locate which instuctions are not the 'standard' ones. If anyone has (or decides to get) Multiedit and needs the configuration info for PIC use, I would be happy to share. Oh yeah, I am not affiliated with American Cybernetics, just a satisfied user of their product. Check it out, there is a demo you can download at: Dave Sorlien