I do not think it is a fault administrators, or even the teachers. In my experience, it has been the students that have been at fault. My education in public schooling has been every bit as good as that which I had in a private school. They were both blue ribbon schools, but it seems that the quality of the public school has been as good as any other, but it was not administration that hurt the private school, but the students. Every teacher that I have known has complained about the lack of caring on the part of the student. The computer education in public schools, although not required, has been better-taught than the required joke that I have seen in most private schools, and I have only seen sensitivity/goals setting/peer mediation/uppity classes in private schools. In my experience, public schooling has been the only option for actually acquiring an education, whereas attending a private school was a good attempt to become a more conforming yuppy. Janet and Carl McIver writes: > This is really digressing! If teachers wanted to get paid more, they > can go get a job somehere else! If they like their job, quit whining! > Personally, my kids will go nowhere near a public school! The problem is > not the teachers, it is the administrators that your elected officials and > YOU appointed. They feel that computers and sensitivity training are more > important than the basics that we all seem to have taken for granted and we > are stupid enough to let us get sucked in by it, too! > The ability to articulate oneself clearly is not a skill that you will > get out of public school anymore. The dependance on spell checkers in their > computers seems to have taken over the need for proper syntax and grammar. > Many kids may be very intelligent, but through no fault of their own, are > lacking in the basic skills that are required to compete well in today's > challenging environment. Unfortunately, a compiler doesn't care that you > meant well, and will award you no points for being close. > It has been so long since the gentleman first posted his request, that I > am sure he is not happy with the stir that has been caused, but it does > point out a lot of things, and what makes us all different and why. I hope > that he takes none of this personally, and can find that tiny bit of advice > in all the fracass to further his education, even if it is self-inflicted > (!) > Everyone have a better day! > > SO.....Whaddya really want?? > > Carl R, McIver (usually) > or the wife (Janet) and kids > > Pull your head out to send me e-mail! > jncmcivryourhead@gte.net > > -----Original Message----- > From: DREITEK > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Date: Tuesday, May 12, 1998 9:28 AM > Subject: Re: [OT] Re: PICs and jobs > > > >in a message dated 98-05-12 08:22:00 EDT, you write: > > > ><< > > No, a TEACHER at the school Dan Quayle was visiting. That's why this > > country is falling apart - we have morons at the front of the classrooms. > > > > (Only one reason. Slime balls making (and ignoring) the laws don't help > > either). > > > > Andy > > >> > >OOHHHH! OK now my dander is up (and you know how painful that can be!) > > > >99% of all teachers are underpaid and grossly overworked! Teaching is the > >only Professional type profession that is controlled by the massivly > >underqualified! One needs a bachelors degree, a teaching credential and 1 > >year of unpaid apprentiship only to be paid less than most construction > >workers and asked to work not only at work but in the evenings and during > >vaccations. And then they have to keep taking classes to prove to the > state > >that they are still worthy to teach. Then they elect housewives and > baptist > >asshole ministers to govern the whole thing whilst mandating methods of > >teaching that failed in the 40s but somehow are now expected to work! If > you > >could do your job with both hands tied behind your back and one leg wraped > >around your neck, then and only then would you be qualified to have an > opinion > >of what teaching is really about! > > > >Dave Duley > -- Matthias Granberry Gonff@windmillbbs.com Caffeine, nicotine, and execution all serve as "normalizing agents". -- "Attention Deficit Disorder"