DREITEK wrote: > OOHHHH! OK now my dander is up (and you know how painful that can be!) > 99% of all teachers are underpaid and grossly overworked! Teaching is the Reminds me of someone's proposal to reduce the cost of education: Let's just pay teachers the same as babysitters: 30 students x 6 hours/day x 200 days/year x $5.00/hour = $180,000/year. Many parents treat school as simply a free babysitting service, and don't worry about the quality of the education. But if it were billed the same as babysitting service, there wouldn't be any problem getting plenty of well-trained teachers. Instead of a shortage of teachers, there would be a lot of competition for the jobs. We could even reduce the number of students per teacher. (Note that I am not impugning the quality of the teachers we have now.) Heck, maybe they could even teach kids to program PICs. :-) Eric