> The problem is that it doesn't work! ...using the suggest coding from >the data book. > Does anyone have any experience with changing the serial port baud rate >"on the fly"? Is there some mystic sequence necessary to "reset" or >"re-initialize" the port beyond what is disclosed in the data book? You _should_ be able to: a) disable the USART completely b) initialize it at new baud rate c) start speaking (or listening) You will probably have more problems on the PC side than on the PIC side, from my experience. I suggest you have two PC's for testing - one to talk at low speed, the other to listen at high speed. Either that, or choose a weird xtal so that you can run at BRGH=0. If you go to the '66/67 chips, it isn't an issue any more. Andy ================================================================== Andy Kunz - Statistical Research, Inc. - Westfield, New Jersey USA ==================================================================