in a message dated 98-05-12 08:22:00 EDT, you write: << No, a TEACHER at the school Dan Quayle was visiting. That's why this country is falling apart - we have morons at the front of the classrooms. (Only one reason. Slime balls making (and ignoring) the laws don't help either). Andy >> OOHHHH! OK now my dander is up (and you know how painful that can be!) 99% of all teachers are underpaid and grossly overworked! Teaching is the only Professional type profession that is controlled by the massivly underqualified! One needs a bachelors degree, a teaching credential and 1 year of unpaid apprentiship only to be paid less than most construction workers and asked to work not only at work but in the evenings and during vaccations. And then they have to keep taking classes to prove to the state that they are still worthy to teach. Then they elect housewives and baptist asshole ministers to govern the whole thing whilst mandating methods of teaching that failed in the 40s but somehow are now expected to work! If you could do your job with both hands tied behind your back and one leg wraped around your neck, then and only then would you be qualified to have an opinion of what teaching is really about! Dave Duley