I am just getting started with web video and my question is, are you working on the same thing? (Re: Your comment(s) "The motors would be controlled via a PIC (16F84) with a serial interface back to my Linx box and it's http server.") I am presently using SnapCAP with a old B&W camera & a Snappy card & a dedicated 486-50, and I capture an image every 90 seconds and FTP it to our server. I have just ordered a Silicon Vision Digital Color Camera ( http://www.siliconvision.com ), which comes with a PCI BUS card ($400.) & a new Pentium Clone 233 computer (<1K) & WebCam32 software ($25.) at (http://www.kolban.com/webcam32 ). Additional information on cameras etc. is available at (http://www.pctoday.com/editorial/hth/980638.html). This should allow me to capture a color image in better resolution and FTP at a much faster rate. I can send pictures using SnapCAP and hopefully WebCam32 and I think I understand how to implement hardware control (PAN & TILT etc.) through RS232 to a PIC etc. using steppers or servos and but HOW DO I SEND COMMANDS / IMPLEMENT SOFTWARE TO CONTROL THE CAMERA FROM A DIALED IN WEB USER? We are controlling experiments remotely, sometimes from our office, sometimes from home, and sometimes at a off site university. I would appreciate any comments, advice or help about this magic, if you have any and will share them with me.................tks > Mike Montaigne > Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. > Station 18, Chalk River, Ontario > K0J 1J0, Canada > > Phone (613) 584-3311 Ex. 4005 > Fax: (613) 584-4040 > email: montaignem@aecl.ca > Sujay Sirur, Neil Chery et all >>My intentions are to build a platform for my qcam and have >>be able to look around the room. The motors would be controlled via >>a PIC (16F84) with a serial interface back to my Linx box and it's >>http server. >> >>-- >>Neil Cherry http://home.att.net/~ncherry ncherry@worldnet.att.net >> > >> >with best wishes and regards >Sujay Sirur >Email: sirur@giasbg01.vsnl.net.in