Sorry, I send you a mail without too match information:
> Hello,
>     I'm trying to use the timer1 (TMR1) with the PIC16C73A, but I've
> some problems,
> I program the interrruption, and it works (T1CON=b'00001101') when I use
> the internal clock, but when I program the external one
> (T1CON=b'00001111') it never triggers the interruptions,does any one
> know why?
>                          &n bsp;            &nbs p;                           Ferran
> Bohigas i Daranas

More information:

I connect a 32KHz Xtal with two capacities  between the 11 and 12 pin, both are outputs.
I configured correctly the interrupts, because I tested using the TMR1 with the internal clock, and it works.