Hi, > I bought a Picstart Plus developer tool. It works on my computer under > Windows 3.1 perfectly, but I want use it under Windows NT 4.0. (with > Service Pack 3) > I installed the MPLAB 3.31 and 3.4 successfully under NT, but when I start > reading from a PIC, both of them produce the following error > message: > > Communication Error > Command [8D] not echoed properly [AB]. > > Could you help me, what's going on here? > The MPLAB environment functions perfectly under NT4.0 (I use it), BUT you would not be able to use your programmer or ICE from within NT. This is because NT does not allow IO operations, except through a device driver. And since Microchip does not support NT yet, they do not supply you with such drivers. It's a pitty, since NT is *so* much more stable than 95. MPLAB for Linux would be even better! Niki