At 13:18 11/05/98 EDT, you wrote: >On Mon, 11 May 1998 07:45:28 +0100 White Horse Design >writes: > >>Had a quick look at your 3 shoebox dimmer's and the manual for the >>first >>one. I don't see any circuits! > > Yeah... sorry about that. At this point, I'm only comfortable >describing the circuits since they belong to my employer. It's really >just a 16c74a with the previously described resistor between INT and >12VAC, an interface chip between the DMX lines and the serial input, a >thumbwheel channel select connected to some port lines, 0-10volt analog >inputs (thru voltage dividers) to analog inputs, and a few more port >lines driving opto-triacs. The rest is software! 5 out of 10 for marketing then - saying "here's how you do it", now look at our web site! :-) Congratulations you are well on your way to being a full blown salesman (or rep(tile)!) More seriously I contribute to CVu a newsletter by the ACCU (Association of C and C++ Usrs) (International BTW) - that's my plug - and one person who write a column has to post it anonymously ("The Harpist") because of the views of his employer on this matter. I think the point is that if some knowledge is in the public domain, there would seem to be no reason to not make it available should you wish to dos. Sometimes of course, the circuit is useless without the software (to make a competing product I mean). Most companies I have worked for either wholly permit out of working hours activities involving information gathering / giving, some turn a blind eye to information given which might actually take some time to amass by other means but which is certainly obtainable with some effort, some threaten dire retribution if you talk to anyone about electronics - even if not even in the same field as that of your employer, and some, probably fairly sane, just ask that you show them your proposed submission and simply vet it on it's merits (mostly on the generous side). I should emphasise that we are not talking about proprietary secrets here, just information that can be found out by someone determined (even at some length) to do so. Regards Adrian WWW WWW Adrian Gothard WWW WW WWW White Horse Design WWWWWWWWWW +44-385-970009 (Mobile/SMS), +44-118-962-8913/4 (voice/fax) WWWW WWWW, --- Developers of GPS satellite-based tracking systems