At 16:16 11/05/98 +1000, you wrote: [SNIP] >>When I see misuse of ->>>>>>>>capitalization<<<<<<<<<-, poor structure and >>misspelled words, I ->>>>>>>>>>>visualize<<<<<<<<<- a person who's at >>->>>>>>>>>>>>>organized<<<<<<<<<<-, and quite possibly poorly educated. In the UK the "z" can be an "s", though the Oxford English Dictionary does indicate "z" is permitted for all three of these, (but not for "organization" interestingly - I am looking in the shorter dictionary incidentally). This is not true in the USA, where they always (?) spell these words with the letter "z". >can speak five ->>>>>>>>>>languajes<<<<<<<<<<<-. Of course, this makes me >native in any of them, but I _CAN_ ->>>>>>>>>>comunicate<<<<<<<<<- with 75% >you'll wonder how bad is your ->>>>>>>>>>>>writting<<<<<<<<<<-! Your quoted text contains lines beginning with either one or two ">" suggesting that the pervious poster quoted someone else's message and these are two different examples by two different people. The context suggests of each that the first text is a reply to the original message and the second text is the original poster responding (no I am not going to trawl through the message history, some of which I have deleted anyway!) >Now if that's not the pot calling the Kettle black! May I suggest that you >use a spell checker first, and one day, you may be **successful** too! >Dennis Regards Adrian WWW WWW Adrian Gothard WWW WW WWW White Horse Design WWWWWWWWWW +44-385-970009 (Mobile/SMS), +44-118-962-8913/4 (voice/fax) WWWW WWWW, --- Developers of GPS satellite-based tracking systems