Clewer,Brian wrote: > My question is 'how long would be a reasonable time for exposure' Of course, it depends on your particular situation. Faced with enlarger lamps of unknown power and photographic paper of unknown sensitivity in the darkroom, photographers use an experimental techhnique. (I think it's called a "test strip" but I don't remember for sure). Set everything up as usual, except use an opaque cover to cover all of the print except one thin strip. Make a short exposure. Pull the cover away a little and expose again for the same short time. The first section has been now been exposed twice, and the newly uncovered section once. Repeat this until the entire piece of paper has been exposed, and then develop it. The area that has been exposed every time will be overexposed, and the last one, that was only done once, will be underexposed. One of the areas in between should be close to properly exposed. Since photo paper (and probably PCB resist) tends to just integrate the amount of light it receives, a single exposure of the same total duration will have the same effect. Unless the budget is unlimited, the test is done with a thin strip of photo paper so each test area is maybe 1-2 cm square. If the usual time is 1-2 minutes, test exposures of 10-15 seconds each should give enough resolution. If you are wondering whether the glass plate has any effect, put half of the test strip under glass and the other half not so each test exposure area is half covered. Science rules! _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]