Jon Nicoll wrote: > I'm thinking about making an attenuator ('volume control') for a > hifi preamp. The consensus seems to say use a serial attenuator set. Two little tricks may help you. Firstly, if you can get relays (e.g. reed relays) which have separate N/O and N/C contacts, then you only need one of each per channel for a single-ended attenuator. One contact bridges the attenuator when switched out of circuit, the other grounds the parallel leg when in-circuit. Secondly, when using your PIC to drive such a system, code it to switch all new attenuator steps into circuit, wait a few ms, then switch old attenuator steps out of circuit; for any given step. This is to avoid *nasty* transients going from say, 16dB to 15dB with binary steps. > (I'm looking for around 30 discrete attenuation steps) Five relays. Cheers, Paul B.