Ahm, does he want a job? Guaranteed better pay than McDonalds! Chris Eddy, PE Pioneer Microsystems, Inc. Matt Calder wrote: > Piclist, > I got this message from a high school student I was helping for a > science project he was involved in. The project is a competition where > points are earned for performing a task ( I think it was to move a ping > pong ball into a cup) using as many changes of state (chemical to light, > light to electricity, etc ...) as possible. Read this, and if you can > believe it this kid came to me a year ago wanting to know what a > transistor does. All I did was show him PIC web pages, helped him to read > schematics, and gave a few assembly tips, the rest was all youthful > curiosity, and persistance of effort on his part. There is hope for the > future yet. > > Matt > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > Subject: How Science Olympiad is going... > > Hi Matt: > > I just thought I'd write you and let you know how our Science Olympiad > project with the PIC chip is going. I finished the PIC chip circuit a > while ago and have been constantly changing it ever since. Basically, > there is one main controlling PIC that runs all the motors and everything. > It is connected to a 4-to-16 Demultiplexer for output and a 16-to-4 > Multiplexer for input. Also, there is a two line serial connection to > another PIC to run an LCD screen. The output demultiplexer's 16 outputs > connect to a stepper-motor-driver, motor drivers, servos, and some > transistor/relay circuits. The stepper motor driver is really great > because it only uses ONE pin! I made it with a 555 timer, decade counter, > and motor drivers. Each motor driver runs 4 motors, so they are really > nice. I also managed to get servos to run pretty well. I can only run > one at a time the way I have it set up though. The input multiplexer has > a lot of different things connected to it also. There is a Photocell > circuit, Infrared Phototransistor circuit and Solar cell circuit. I used > Op-Amps for those circuits and they work really well. > I managed to get 10 messages on the PIC chip that controls the LCD > screen before the lookup table problem we encountered a while ago started > happening. I made it so the LCD screen could output numbers too, and i > made a simple timer so the LCD can show how much time has gone by. Since > there are only 10 messages, the messages aren't very specific (ex. > "Running Module", or "Waiting for input" instead of "pumping iodine into > starch", or "raising ramp"). The serial communication is something like > 1000 baud, i forgot exactly. I could probably make it go faster but it's > fast enough for me right now so i left it alone. > > Anyway, in the Regional competition in March our machine took 2nd place. > A maximum of 30 action transfers is allowed on your device and we had only > finished 20 for regionals so our score was much lower. The "computer" > worked perfectly though, so I was happy. > > We finished building all the action transfers for state and had a perfect > device, but at the competition there was one glitch. In one of our > transfers, a servo opens a valve and salt falls through into a cup that's > on a lever. one side of the lever gets heavy and the lever tilts just > like a see-saw and contacts on the other side of the lever touch each > other.. the computer reads it and goes on... Anyway, the servo opened the > valve and the salt didn't fall through, it got stuck somehow. That one > glitch cost us a medal and we ended up 4th place. We were all very upset > because we had dedicated every moment of that last month of our lives to > this machine, and we even stayed up until 3:45am the night before > competition calibrating things and got 30 min. of sleep. Regardless, our > team did well in all of the events and won the competition, and we are on > our way to nationals in Michigan in 6 days. The Mission Possible device > is now working PERFECTLY and we hope to get 1rst place in the entire > nation in that event. We built a box around the thing and are shipping it > UPS in a few days. > > I'll be sure to let you know how we do! Thanks a lot for all of your help > with the electronics and learning the PIC chip. I really appreciate all > the time you spent helping me. > > Matthew Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Christopher Eddy, PE Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" Attachment converted: wonderland:vcard.vcf (TEXT/CSOm) (00006FCE)