Hi I am new to PICs so please excuse any blatant ignorance.... I am trying a simple application for a 12C671 using MPLAB 3.40. Trouble is I cannot seem to get the I/O's to toggle under the simulator (no change in the gpio SFR) by #define DOUT GPIO,2 ; SPI port DOUT signal ... bsf STATUS,RP0 ; set file register bank to 1 movwf OSCCAL ; update register with factory cal val ue movlw b'11001000' ;Internal clk,prescaler to wdt movwf OPTION_REG ; movlw b'00001001' ; movwf TRISIO ; port 0, 3 are inputs, rest outputs bcf STATUS,RP0 ; set file register bank to 0 bsf DOUT; bcf DOUT; ... Could somebody please point out my error to me? Cheers. Stefan Rousseau stefanr@rrs.co.za Technopark Stellenbosch South Africa