>Whereas previous versions of MPLAB would not rebuild a project if the main >file or a dependent had not been modified since last build, 3.40 always >builds. Not for me. (or I might do wrong?) ... > What I meant when I said the the Menu bar takes two lines instead > of one is that where it says "File Project Edit ..." it looks like > this line wraps onto the next line but with no text on the second > line - so when I load a project file, my code windows etc don't > fit in the (now smaller) client area. I use 1024x768 and the menu > bar text extends less than half way across the screen. I remember seeing this om my screen two months ago. I too remember solving this by restarting. Could of chronological reason not have been MPLAB3.40, maybe 3.31? I too use 1024x768. No big deal. ... ... > death to Explorers, whatever their flavor! try http://opera.nta.no/ Fast on slow machines, much more stable (for me, anyway), better user interface and screen area usage. /Morgan / Morgan Olsson, MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK, SE-277 35 KIVIK, Sweden \ \ mrt@iname.com, ph: +46 (0)414 70741; fax +46 (0)414 70331 /