---------- > Hi all > When using PWM to drive servos (hs-300), I know you need a pulse width > of 1mS to 2mS, but do the pulses "have" to be 20mS apart or can the be > less, > say 1mS? > Thanks in advance. > > Justin Grimm reaper@southwest.com.au > Justin, Back in my 'early years' I had an expierence that shaped my future. While driving through the country with the high school driving instructor we came upon a horse laying down in a field. The question arose as to if the horse was sleeping or dead. As we students in the car could not come to a conclusion, the instructor told me that "It will be your job Bill to find out if horses sleep laying down." I took this as an 'official' assignment, and next week when our group again went driving, I was ready with my report. I was so proud of myself! You have an inquiring mind and question established values. This is a good trait. It will take you far. You will learn much and advance the knowledge of computers. And for this I thank you in advance. But you may need a little 'push' on this track. And here it comes. Justin, I challenge you to discover what happens when the pulse rate is increased from 50 cycles and also what happens when the pulse rate is decreased from 50 cycles. You may be on to something here. You can become one of the PicList's servo person's. You may even prepare a little paper, with graphs and such, for the benifit of the rest of us. And create a web page for the advancement of the art. When you do this and later as you accept the many awards that you earn, I hope you will acknowledge that "Bill got me started on this path." I know that I'm extreamly proud of my knowledge of how horses and cows sleep. (I expanded the origional research to include cows and can now tell a tired cow from a sleeping horse by the way they are laying.) And I always thank Mr. Thorton for stsrting me in the right direction. As to the question as to "why 50 cycles?", I can offer one possibile answer. Servos are like Nuns, they always travel in groups. And as the pulse rate increases, the time to control additional servos decreases. I will be awaitting your results Justin, "if you should accept this assignment". Bill C. bill@cornutt.com