Andy David wrote: > > MPLAB 3.40 is a little unstable for me. Recently I've been working on > software for the 17c43, the 17c756 and the 12c671 and the crashes I've had > are usually independent of whether I'm emulating (with a PICMaster) or > simulating. > > 3.40 has crashed when (most likely first): > > 1) adding/deleting items to/from watch windows > 2) assembling without saving the file first (a bad habit of mine that I'm > gradually working my way out of) > > ...and not really a crash per se... > > 3) Once when assembling a 12c671 program, MPASM wasn't starting and MPLAB > was > timing out. This seems to have gone away... > > Whereas previous versions of MPLAB would not rebuild a project if the main > file or a dependent had not been modified since last build, 3.40 always > builds. > > A couple of funnies that I've had with pretty much all versions of MPLAB > I've used is that sometimes the menu bar is two lines tall instead of one > (so that when I load a project, my windows don't fit the area) and > sometimes one of the pulldown menus will be the width of the screen whilst > the other menus are normal. For either of these two occurrances, I just > close and reopen MPLAB for it to go away. > > 3.40 is the only version of MPLAB that I've had any trouble with, but I'm > sticking with it (for the moment, at least) because of the extra watch > window facilities and because of the '671 work I'm doing. Two or three > crashes per day is irritating, but I can _JUST_ live with it (any MPLAB > developers reading this post - you didn't see that!). > > - Andy. > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > Andrew David, Software Manager, Ultronics Ltd, Cheltenham. > > ---------------------------------------------------------- Andy, you can select Options/enVironment/toolbar setuP and change button size; if large buttons then can take more than one line for buttons, is this your problem? If you've added extra buttons, then selecting different modes ie debug/project/user may overflow the button line. If the above is not your problem then maybe you have a display driver or non windows compatibility problem? regards, Graham Daniel