MPLAB 3.40 is a little unstable for me. Recently I've been working on software for the 17c43, the 17c756 and the 12c671 and the crashes I've had are usually independent of whether I'm emulating (with a PICMaster) or simulating. 3.40 has crashed when (most likely first): 1) adding/deleting items to/from watch windows 2) assembling without saving the file first (a bad habit of mine that I'm gradually working my way out of) ...and not really a crash per se... 3) Once when assembling a 12c671 program, MPASM wasn't starting and MPLAB was timing out. This seems to have gone away... Whereas previous versions of MPLAB would not rebuild a project if the main file or a dependent had not been modified since last build, 3.40 always builds. A couple of funnies that I've had with pretty much all versions of MPLAB I've used is that sometimes the menu bar is two lines tall instead of one (so that when I load a project, my windows don't fit the area) and sometimes one of the pulldown menus will be the width of the screen whilst the other menus are normal. For either of these two occurrances, I just close and reopen MPLAB for it to go away. 3.40 is the only version of MPLAB that I've had any trouble with, but I'm sticking with it (for the moment, at least) because of the extra watch window facilities and because of the '671 work I'm doing. Two or three crashes per day is irritating, but I can _JUST_ live with it (any MPLAB developers reading this post - you didn't see that!). - Andy. ---------------------------------------------------------- Andrew David, Software Manager, Ultronics Ltd, Cheltenham. ----------------------------------------------------------