Hi David (David VanHorn), in <009001bd73d9$ec1d90e0$85f135ce@xenu.iquest.net> on Apr 29 you wrote: > Check the output pin spec, you'll find that the maximum low voltage is high > enough to keep the base of an NPN active. Add an additional resistor from > the base to ground, probably 2.2k or 4.7k, and the problem will dissapear. Better yet is a diode (1N4148 or other) in series with the pin, that raises the switching voltage by about 0.7V - enough for usual uC output pin specs. It consumes no extra power, works with pullup outputs, and makes no assumptions about the port pin (theoretically a low output could _source_ lots of current at 0.4V for example and still stay in-spec).