William Chops Westfield wrote: > > I was wondering what type of memory is used in PCs. Is it static or > dynamic RAM? For instance: if I went to a local computer store and > bought some generic 72-pin SIMMs, would that memory be static or > dynamic? > > PC memory simms are all dynamic ram. > > Some PC cache chips are relatively normal (but fast) static ram chips, and > have some of the same pricing and availability advantages of dram simms. > > BillW Okay... I was just reading a FAQ file on the MC68000s, the MPU I'm planning on using. It said: -- QUESTION Will the MC68000 support 4 megabytes of DRAM using 1x9 1-Mbyte SIMMs? ANSWER You should have no problems interfacing standard DRAM SIMMs to the MC68000.Note that the MC68000 does not burst so you do not need any special type of DRAM such as page-mode DRAM which would normally be required to support bursting. -- Is this true? Does this mean that I _can_ just use PC RAM with this type of MPU? Does anyone know about or have any experience with this? Cheers, -- ~Keith tsk3000@Prodigy.Net http://pages.prodigy.net/tsk3000/