PIC14000 has A/D circuitry consisting of ramp generator and a 16bit fast counter which capture the count when a comparator say the measured input is the same as the ramp. As it is possible to backward calculate the exact count for a desired voltage we can make a high resolution D/A if we trigger a sample/hold cirquit to lock the value of the ramp at the desired count. It is easy just to continuously read teh counter and send a trigger pulse at a desired value. BUT the datasheet say we should not read the counter while it is running. Why? Anybody tried? Will the read make it *count* false? Or do we risk *readig* erroneous value? Probably the latter, as the counter is normally driven very fast, by the oscillator directly (4MHz typ), and the counter is probably not synchronous binary counter type (more silicon need), so the count might not have propagated through the whole counter when it is read by the cpu? That is of course dependant on mainly clock frequency, but also the individual chip, temperature, supply voltage... But I believe there should be a osc frequency below which it is guaranteed to work OK. Ideas? We can also use the 8-bit timer to generate interrupts, but i need it for other stuff, and it is more complicated to get it all work. /Morgan / Morgan Olsson, MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK, SE-277 35 KIVIK, Sweden \ \ mrt@iname.com, ph: +46 (0)414 70741; fax +46 (0)414 70331 /