At 18:13 1998-04-30 -0600, bowman wrote: >i finally got MPLAB 3.4 to work. Congratulations ;) >after installing MPLAB, i could follow along with the single source example >in TUTOR.PDF up to the point of building the project. Mee too. But my problem was that it could not find MPASM as it is not included in MPLAB 3.40 !! I installed 3.40 in a new directory (C:\MPLAB34_) to not interfere with the working 3.31. So, I changed MPLAB3.40 (using Project\Install Language Tool...) to use MPASMWIN, instead (was included). The thing now happening is that MPLAB starts MPASMWIN, and immedietely displaying "MPLAB is unable to find output file "SAMPLE.HEX"." *long before* MPASMWIN finished!! Stupid. Anyone kow to run MPASMWIN correctly? It would be nice, because it has a progress bar... I tried to let MPLAB call a .batch file, which called MPASMWIN. Then MPLAB waits until it times out, then I can tell it not to wait anymore, and it is then all compiled OK. Seem like MPLAB no way nows when MPASMWIN is ready. Also tried elder MPASMWIN. Then I changed to use the MPASM from MPLAB 3.31 package, and it worked fine, so i fetched latest MPASM from Mchip and it worked too, but I still see no progress bar... >seems MPLAB spawns MPASM in an iconized DOS window, passes the command line >parameters, and waits for it to return. Strange. seem to work for me. (Win95, upgraded some parts to Build 1111) >a. MPLAB is only happy if installed in the default c:\Win\Program >Files\Mplab\ c:\MPLAB34_\ works for me. ... /Morgan / Morgan Olsson, MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK, SE-277 35 KIVIK, Sweden \ \, ph: +46 (0)414 70741; fax +46 (0)414 70331 /