Your problem is probably that the reset voltage rises too slow. The required rise time is specified as the maximum number of elapsed clock cycles, so removing the Xtal helps, but it does not address the real problem. I've had this with my own programmer. regards, Wouter. ---------- > From: Jon Hylands > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: More 16F84 ICSP... (for real this time) > Date: Thursday, April 30, 1998 15:29 > > Hi all, > > So I got tired of constantly popping the F84 out of its socket and into the > programmer, and decided to make an ICSP header on my test board, and rig a > cable to the programmer (the ITU PIC-1). > > The problem I've run into is the oscillator. While the programmer is doing > its thing, it is supplying +5 to the F84, and the rest of the circuit, > which makes the oscillator do its thing, and thus the programming fails. > > If I pop the oscillator out before programming, everything works fine. > > Any suggestions on an easy (automatic) method to cut out the oscillator > while programming? > > Later, > Jon > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Jon Hylands > > Project: Micro Seeker (Micro Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) >