Something I've done which works really well is this: If I need to sink a medium-current sort of load to ground, I use a ZTX849 NPN transistor (Zetex, great part!) and put a series LED in the connection between the PIC pin and the base of the transistor. This seems to work adequately for most kinds of loads, though you'd probably want a 10K base/emitter resistor to handle leakage currents for very light loads. The LED provides an extra 1.5-2 volts of drop, and *I don't use a base resistor at all*. I rely on the PIC's natural current limiting, coupled with the couple-or-three volts of LED and Vbe that I've already got out there. As an added bonus, I get a visual indicator of whether it's 'on' or not. Mark G. Forbes, R & D Engineer | Acres Gaming, Inc. (541) 766-2515 KC7LZD | 815 NW 9th Street (541) 753-7524 fax | Corvallis, OR 97330 "There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." ---Anomalous