I had the same problem when getting it working with HiTech C, where MPLAB had to spawn picc.exe. What I did was try to change the preferences on the dos box. When I did this from the _default dos pif, it didn't work. Then I tried modifying the PIF file in my bin directory, this didn't work either. What I had to do was wait for the MPLAB timout message to come up, switch to the dos box and quickly hit pause. This suspended the dos box. Then I set it's properties so that it didn't suspend the background, and I set the idle to high. >From then on, it worked properly. I've seen the same thing when trying to include DOS tools under Borland C. Perhaps it's a Borland library issue....... Craig -----Original Message----- From: bowman To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Thursday, April 30, 1998 6:22 PM Subject: MPLAB under Windows 95 > >i finally got MPLAB 3.4 to work. it definitely is much slicker than using >the raw DOS MPASM and MPSIM. the quirk i encountered may be something in >the way my system is setup, or may be a general Win95 problem. > >after installing MPLAB, i could follow along with the single source example >in TUTOR.PDF up to the point of building the project. at that time, all the >window title bars would gray out. 30 seconds later, a message box appears, >"Application timed out. Continue waiting". choose 'yes' and you'll wait >forever, choose 'no' and the compiler results window will report "unable to >find output file sample.hex" > >seems MPLAB spawns MPASM in an iconized DOS window, passes the command line >parameters, and waits for it to return. you never will see this window >unless you bring up the system tray. at this time, you cannot switch to >other windows. after the message box appears, click on the MS_DOS icon, and >the window will come up. as soon as it has focus, it closes. then choosing >'yes' in the message box immediately displays a successful compilation in >the build status window. > >if you run MPASM as a standalone in a DOS window, it does its thing, >displays the results, and then says "hit any key to continue". i assume the >iconized DOS window is waiting for this keystroke, while MPLAB is waiting >for the DOS window to close, deadlocking the whole system until it times >out. > >an awkward work-around, but i think the extra 30 seconds is worth it to be >able to use the full power of the IDE. > >also, there are two possible issues i haven't tested thoroughly. as i was >thrashing around trying to get it to run it seemed: > >a. MPLAB is only happy if installed in the default c:\Win\Program >Files\Mplab\ >b. i think the language tool needs to be explicitly loaded, even though it >appears MPLAB initializes pointed to MPASM. > >i wouldn't bet the farm on either of these statements, but if you have a >problem they would be worth doing. >