i finally got MPLAB 3.4 to work. it definitely is much slicker than using the raw DOS MPASM and MPSIM. the quirk i encountered may be something in the way my system is setup, or may be a general Win95 problem. after installing MPLAB, i could follow along with the single source example in TUTOR.PDF up to the point of building the project. at that time, all the window title bars would gray out. 30 seconds later, a message box appears, "Application timed out. Continue waiting". choose 'yes' and you'll wait forever, choose 'no' and the compiler results window will report "unable to find output file sample.hex" seems MPLAB spawns MPASM in an iconized DOS window, passes the command line parameters, and waits for it to return. you never will see this window unless you bring up the system tray. at this time, you cannot switch to other windows. after the message box appears, click on the MS_DOS icon, and the window will come up. as soon as it has focus, it closes. then choosing 'yes' in the message box immediately displays a successful compilation in the build status window. if you run MPASM as a standalone in a DOS window, it does its thing, displays the results, and then says "hit any key to continue". i assume the iconized DOS window is waiting for this keystroke, while MPLAB is waiting for the DOS window to close, deadlocking the whole system until it times out. an awkward work-around, but i think the extra 30 seconds is worth it to be able to use the full power of the IDE. also, there are two possible issues i haven't tested thoroughly. as i was thrashing around trying to get it to run it seemed: a. MPLAB is only happy if installed in the default c:\Win\Program Files\Mplab\ b. i think the language tool needs to be explicitly loaded, even though it appears MPLAB initializes pointed to MPASM. i wouldn't bet the farm on either of these statements, but if you have a problem they would be worth doing.