>WRONG! As usual there are a number of ways to implement any given task. I must have misunderstood, I thought he was referring to a single LED In any case, using a timer int to provide an opsys "tick" to pace I/O functions is perfectly valid, and works just fine. I suppose you could do it without ints, but if you want to have deterministic time intervals, that is certainly the hard way. >The key is to set up the TMR0 so that you are able to get both the blink >duration and the dwell as multiple times of TMR0 rollovers, or of some >other software timer which you decrement at an even rate. The blink logic >should get messages from the app level as to whether it should blink or >not. The blink level determines how many, how long, etc. by setting up >counters and state flags to message the hardware display level. Perhaps we are talking about the same thing, but describing it differently?